It’s been a while since our last Imaginary Garage, and in that time we’ve had more than our fare share of smack talk in the comments sections of our beloved blog. It seems that everyone seems to know best, and everyone seems to have the world’s best taste in customs. But let’s face it, it’s easy to talk the talk, but can you all walk the walk? What’s that? You can? Well, here’s you chance to damn well prove it! As you’ve probably noticed, above we have ourselves one brand splonking new 2011 Kawasaki W800, a sweet bike that were lucky enough to review recently. We’ve done a few dream bikes lately, but for a change we thought we try a more realistic bike this time around. So now it’s up to you lot to take a modern classic and make it, well, classic-er. And kick ass-er as well.
So how’s this work? You enter your ideas on how we should customise the W800 via the comments section below. We then choose the winner, work with them to make the mods in Photoshop, and post the results. The winner gets a brand new pair of Icon gloves of your choosing worth up to $145 North American doubloons.
- The winning idea has to be a corker. It should not only look good, it has to be a great idea. We want people to see the finished product and say “wow”.
- DO NOT post links to your own mock-ups. No matter how cool the idea, this will instantly rule you out of the comp. Why would we choose an idea that everybody has already seen? Let’s blow out the candles before we eat the cake, yes?
- An entry along the lines of “CAFE RACER!” has about as much chance of winning as my lily white moonbeam arse. Aim for around 100 words. If you still insist on doing this we’ll simply let other people use your idea for their own if they like it.
- Multiple comments are fine if you think you’d like to add to your original ideas.
- We reserve the right to openly mock, laugh at, or otherwise make fun of your ideas. Especially the ones that involve freaking trikes.
If you aren’t sure exactly what to write, just pop back to a previous competition and take a peek. Study the winning entry closely. We’re looking for creative, original, clear ideas. The more interesting the ideas, the more likely they are to win; if we can make a Brough Superior drag bike look that sublime, then the sky’s the limit.
You have 72 hours to get your ideas posted before we close submissions, so get them in ASAP. Please leave a valid email address so we can contact the winner.
Ladies and gentlemen, commence the creativity!
Update: Game over kids. Thanks one and all for the entries and, um, short stories. More soon.